The SNP panels in FROG-kb are from the published literature. The underlying data utilized for the calculations
of likelihood in FROG-kb are housed in the ALlele FREquency Database, ALFRED,
described in Rajeevan et al., Nucleic Acids Research 2012 Jan;40(Database issue):D1010-1015. ALFRED is a publicly available
resource for gene frequency data on human populations; extracted, curated, and organized from various sources including published literature, collaborators,
and public high throughput data sources such as the HGDP-CEPH website and Human Genome Diversity Project at Stanford University.
Some unpublished data from the host laboratory are also being made available through ALFRED.
FROG-kb is a web-based resource and reference tool that primarily is intended to serve the forensic community.
It's abilities include a web interface to select a SNP panel, input genotype information for a selected set of SNPs,
run calculations employing the underling data, and display in a user-friendly interface the match probabilities and ancestry likelihoods.
While, ALFRED is a compilation of gene frequency data on human populations, provided through a web application in an
organized, searchable, user-friendly manner. In the system architecture framework of FROG-kb, ALFRED provides the
'reference' module.