Welcome to the New FROG-kb
FROG-kb seeks to make allele frequency data for panels of SNPs more useful in a forensic setting. The primary objective of FROG-kb is to provide a web interface that, from a forensic perspective, is useful for teaching and research and can serve as a tool facilitating forensic practice. The underlying data are housed in the already extensively used and referenced ALlele FREquency Database (ALFRED).
The FROG-kb interface makes the information usable for forensic purposes, including computational tools for comparing user-provided data with underlying allele frequencies in populations. The buttons across the top provide top level navigation. This new FROG-kb interface has all of the previous functionalities with supplementary reference material and "space" for additional documentation that will be added over the next few months. FROG-kb functions best using Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome; some versions of Internet Explorer are not compatible.
FROG-kb focuses on two types of SNP panels, Individual Identification (IISNPs) and Ancestry Inference (AISNPs), but also includes a Phenotype Inference (PISNPs) panel for eye color. IISNP and AISNP panels provide the ability to enter genotypes of an individual at multiple SNPs and calculate probabilities of that multisite genotype in each of several populations. More information on each SNP panel can be found in Section 4.1 of the User Manual (under the Documentation button) along with information on searching each SNP panel within FROG-kb. Also, go to Announcements for updates.
If you come across any issues or have suggestions use the Contact Us button to reach us. "If you see something - say something"